Landscaping While Living On Septic

Let's Get Creative!

As a homeowner, we understand landscaping and curb appeal is important. To keep your septic system safe, consider essential factors while making your home inviting and visually appealing

Here are a few things to think about when landscaping around septic systems:

Do not cover your disposal field or septic tank opening with concrete, pavers, etc.

Tanks – Restricted access to all openings on the top of the septic tank does not allow for proper maintenance pumping and will result in a corroded septic tank and potential overflow issues to the disposal field. If you plan to put pavers over the tank, make sure you have risers installed for proper access. Check out this photo below. our customer put risers in during their new install, this way we don’t have to dig up their yard for maintenance pumping and filter cleaning. They can also landscape around their septic system without fear.

Riser Installation for Landscaping

Disposal Field – All disposal fields need to breathe, they are doing a job under the soil and they need to be left in an open, unused area of your property. This also discourages anyone from driving over or parking on your disposal field.

Remember any weight over the top of septic systems can compromise the pipes below them.

Do not plant trees or shrubs close to your system.

In Arizona, tree roots can extend long distances across your property to access effluent water in your disposal field. You’ll enjoy a beautiful tree, but it will entangle and damage your system. Always pick the toilet over the tree!

Know the EXACT location of your ENTIRE septic system before building other structures like pools, sheds, driveways etc.

Many homeowners know where their septic tank is but not the disposal field’s location. For renovations or landscaping, call Priority Pumping to locate your entire system. If you ever need a little more creative inspiration, check out Pinterest!

Another part of this, is keep in mind, most septic system disposal fields will need to be replaced at some point. Most are designed to last 30-40 years before they become saturated and need to be put in another area of the property. We call this area the RESERVE field. When planning construction or tree planting, keep an area as large as your current disposal field open and available. This way, when the field needs replacement, you can avoid the costly expense of removing mature trees or demolishing structures

Direct all surface drainage away from your septic tank and be smart with irrigation.

Any run-off water should always be redirected from the septic system area. Pooling water over a system is never a good thing. It is important if you live on irrigation, that you are properly irrigating and not allowing water to sit more than 24 hours over the system.

Below are some photos of creative ways homeowners on septic have landscaped their systems. Just because you live on land with a septic system does not mean you can’t come up with some creative ways to love your landscaping!

If you are still not sure where your septic system is located, Priority Pumping offers septic system locating services. Our team will locate and map out your entire system. This helps you plan for future landscaping needs.

Picture of Tanya Wilson

Tanya Wilson

Tanya Wilson is the owner and CEO of Priority Pumping. She loves the wastewater industry and all of the opportunities for consumer education.

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