
Septic inspections

Septic Inspections in Arizona: A Seller’s Responsibility

In Arizona’s real estate market, a clear rule shapes property transactions: sellers must conduct septic inspections. This blog, courtesy of Priority Pumping, sheds light on this regulation’s impact on selling properties with septic systems in Arizona. Arizona law mandates that sellers inspect their septic systems before a sale. This rule aims to protect buyers and foster

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Protect it and Inspect it - save your septic tank

Protect It and Inspect It!

Inspect It and Protect It: Safeguarding Your Septic System Marking #SepticSmartWeek2023 with Proactive Maintenance During #SepticSmartWeek2023, one of our standout messages is clear: proactive inspection can be the difference between a long-lasting septic system and an expensive replacement. The mantra “Inspect It and Protect It” encapsulates the essence of this preventive approach. 1. Why Open

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